This After Dark module continuously cuts the screen into smaller and smaller tiles, each tile with a different color. If left running long enough, eventually every single pixel on the screen will be a different color. This program requires 32-bit Color Quickdraw and compatible hardware. The author uses a Macintosh SE/30 with a RasterOps ColorBoard 264.
If you aren't interested in the source code, you can toss every file in this archive except "Millions of Colors" into the Trash. "Millions of Colors" should be copied into your "After Dark files" folder along with all your other After Dark modules.
This program is free, but it is not public domain. The author retains the copyright for all original code. You may use this program or its source code for any non-commercial purpose you want, but you may not use it or any part of it as part of a commercial product without permission from the author.
This program was written with THINK C v4.0 for After Dark 1.1. It has not been tested with After Dark 2.0.
Comments, suggestions, observations, praise, remarks, advice, hints, opinions, recommendations, complaints, compliments, questions, kudos, news, gossip, information, and ideas (guess who recently bought a Thesaurus) may be sent to the author at one of the following addresses: